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Energy and energy optimization
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Latest Products
Pure cobalt metal (99.8%)
High strength at high tempe...
High oxidation and hot corr...
High purity for engineering...
Input voltage: AC85-260v/50Hz
Minimum failure time 100,00...
Operating temperature from ...
Plug&Play capability
MDI/MDI-X capability
Auto Negotiation feature
It has a strong metal case
Support up to 1632 byte frames
Plug & Play capability
Screw pump Fire Stations
Pump Casing: Red Brass (AST...
Driver Screw: 17-4PH (ASTM ...
Driven Screw: 17-4PH (ASTM ...
heat exchanger
Designed with the ability t...
The converter is based on t...
Two floors in two parallel ...
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How can you increase the value of your business by using big data? How can you get a bigger and better picture of what is happening inside and outside the organization?

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Enterpride Service Bus ( ESB) Integrating internal and external communication in order to create value for businesses faster (Tool: wso2,Hafka)Advantages : Load Balancing…

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Anacav data lake It is a modern data-driven design pattern used to store a wide variety of data types, both old and new, at a large scale.By definition, a data lake is optimized …

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Investigating the use of magnesium fluoride in infrared lenses. In general, magnesium fluoride is widely used in the optics and laser industry, and one of its main uses is…

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Application of silicon carbide in coating In recent years, silicon carbide coatings are widely used in various industries under the name of ceramic coatings.Due to having some special…

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