Copper wire and wire tension oil

Copper wire and wire tension oil

This oil is a mixture of high quality refinery base oil and various additives. This oil is a soluble type and is produced in two mineral and semi-synthetic grades.

Formation of stable emulsion
High resistance to foam formation
High resistance to corrosion and rust
Product Specifications
Technology used in the product
Product Readiness Level (TRL)
It has export potential
Competitive advantage of the product
High resistance to the growth of bacteria and fungi
The standard used in construction
has it
Product features
High lubrication, cracking and cleaning properties
Knowledge-based license
Export capability
Product introduction

This oil is a mixture of high quality refinery base oil and various additives. This oil is a soluble type and is produced in two mineral and semi-synthetic grades. Depending on the type of stretching operation, it is dissolved and used with a certain percentage of soft water.

Manufacturer/provider contact information
Office address

Isfahan Scientific and Research Town, Saba Sekeh Building, 1st Floor, Kimia Process Naqsh Jahan Company

Factory address

Isfahan Scientific and Research Town, Saba Sekeh Building, 1st Floor, Kimia Process Naqsh Jahan Company

Our location on the map
Specialized product licenses and approvals
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Approvals and licenses obtained for the export of this product
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Customer list of this product
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Compatible with soft metals
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High resistance to oxidation
High heat transfer coefficient
Non-corrosive and non-toxic
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Adequate adhesion properties