Illuminated decorative stone

Light and interior design of the building are inseparable issues. Not only light is thought for architecture, but architecture is always looking for a kind of organization that can make the best use of light. By thoughtfully directing the light into the building and by creating areas of light and darkness, it is possible to separate the integrated internal space into independent parts without using separating elements and materials, or it can be used to intensify some features of the space, such as being high.

the light
Interior design of the building
Product Specifications
Technology used in the product
Stone lighting
Product Readiness Level (TRL)
It has export potential
Competitive advantage of the product
It has a high competitive advantage
The standard used in construction
Product features
Modern architecture kills the space and reduces it to absolute darkness
Product manufacturer
Knowledge-based license
Export capability
Product introduction

Light and interior design of the building are inseparable issues. Not only light is thought for architecture, but architecture is always looking for a kind of organization that can make the best use of light. By thoughtfully directing the light into the building and by creating areas of light and darkness, it is possible to separate the integrated internal space into independent parts without using separating elements and materials, or it can be used to intensify some features of the space, such as being high. The world with the same light (Armaghan modern architecture kills the space and reduces it to absolute darkness)
The presence of the element of light in the stone along with the design of a special artistic design

Manufacturer/provider contact information
Office address

Isfahan - Tayyab St., Serlet St., corner of Khalili Alley

Factory address

Kish, Velayat Boulevard, Ghadir Square, in front of Mosli, next to Farhang Sarai Central Kish

Our location on the map
Specialized product licenses and approvals
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