Material conductivity test device (ionic and electronic)

Material conductivity test device (ionic and electronic)

Material conductivity test device for measuring the electronic and ionic conductivity of all kinds of nanostructured and powdered materials such as catalyst powder, resin materials, polymer and ceramic membranes, paints, cables, molten materials, insulation materials, polymer powder

Types of nanostructured materials
Measurement of ionic or electronic resistance
Wide application
Product Specifications
Product manufacturer
Product introduction

Material conductivity test device for measuring the electronic and ionic conductivity of all kinds of nanostructured and powdered materials such as catalyst powder, resin materials, polymer and ceramic membranes, paints, cables, molten materials, insulation materials, polymer powders and coatings used in various industries such as fuel cells. , chlorine-alkali, batteries, electrolyzers, all kinds of coatings in land, sea and air equipment and so on. It has wide applications and it can easily measure, record and plot the resistance of the sample in different aqueous, acidic, alkaline, salty and gaseous environments (different gases) at different temperatures, humidity and even pressures.

Manufacturer/provider contact information
Office address

Isfahan-Isfahan Science and Research Town-Sheikh Bahai Science and Technology Park, Crystal Building, Unit 5

Factory address

Isfahan-Isfahan Science and Research Town-Sheikh Bahai Science and Technology Park, Crystal Building, Unit 5

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