
Electro Power Company offers a variety of pulse transformers with different voltages, currents and powers.

Different currents and powers
Launching the klystron
Magnetron and electron gun
Product Specifications
Product Readiness Level (TRL)
Export potential
Competitive advantage of the product
Different currents and powers
The standard used in construction
has it
Product features
Different currents and powers
Product manufacturer
Knowledge-based license
Export capability
Product introduction

Electro Power Company offers a variety of pulse transformers with different voltages, currents and powers. These pulse transformers are used to operate klystrons, magnetrons and electron guns in research, industrial, medical and commercial applications.

Manufacturer/provider contact information
Office address

Isfahan - Kaveh Street - Ostad Flatouri Street - Parse Complex - Second Floor - Unit 18

Factory address

Isfahan - Kaveh Street - Ostad Flatouri Street - Parse Complex - Second Floor - Unit 18

Our location on the map
Specialized product licenses and approvals
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Approvals and licenses obtained for the export of this product
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Customer list of this product
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