about us

Havayar Tajhiz Bahar

Hawayar Tehzih Bahar Company is a knowledge-based company that specializes in the production of oil-free compressors, oxygen generators and all types of air compressors. This company was established in 2019 by the Technical Engineering Company of Danesh Tagh Samin, which is itself a knowledge-based company. We currently have the technical knowledge of both companies and are able to produce more than five thousand oil-free compressors per year.

Hossein Haqshanas
National ID
field of activity

3 Products

Products and Services
Oxygen generator
The amount of oxygen produc...
No extra noise
Oxygen purity: 93%
Nitrogen generator
100% automatic operation wi...
Display the process complet...
With oxygen analysis with p...
Oil-free compressors
Creating the necessary suct...
Condensation of gas
high pressure
Office address

Scientific Research Town, Tashean Workshops Complex, Shed No. 503

Factory address

Scientific Research Town, Tashean Workshops Complex, Shed No. 503

Our Location On The Map
Company certificates and licenses
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