
Aquaculture requires a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of nutrition, food, feed and feeding methods.

Cold blue and warm blue fish
Increased appetite
Increasing staying power especially
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Aquaculture requires a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of nutrition, food, feed and feeding methods. Compared to livestock nutrition, aquatic nutrition is relatively new. Aquatic animals, like livestock, need protein, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other feed additives to meet the physiological needs of growth and reproduction.
Over the past decade, the world has seen a significant growth in the aquaculture industry in many developing countries, and it is clearly agreed that aquaculture production and farming will continue to increase. Currently, this is more evident in developing countries in Asia and Africa. Nutrition plays an essential role in the sustainable development of aquaculture.

The use of new technologies in increasing productivity and reducing production costs is one of the important things in sustainable aquaculture. Most of the studies in sustainable aquaculture are related to feeding strategies and optimization of food compositions for important commercial fish species. These studies are aimed at increasing the efficiency of nutritional compounds such as proteins, fats and increasing their digestibility. Proper nutrition as a vital indicator is effective in promoting natural growth and existing health. Therefore, achieving different patterns and factors that can increase growth efficiency is considered one of the important goals of breeding management.

Manufacturer/provider contact information
Office address

the address of Central office
Isfahan, Imam Khomeini Street, 24 Mellat Alley, No. 10

Factory address

the address of Central office
Isfahan, Imam Khomeini Street, 24 Mellat Alley, No. 10

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