
The relatively small digestive system and stomach of horses is adapted to live in the wild, eat little and roam the meadows while grazing.

Reducing severe environmental stress
Increased bone growth
Reducing body water loss
Product Specifications
Competitive advantage of the product
It has a high competitive advantage
The standard used in construction
it has
Product features
Preventing weakness, imbalance and falling of the horse
Product manufacturer
Knowledge-based license
Export capability
Product introduction

The relatively small digestive system and stomach of horses is adapted to live in the wild, eat little and roam the meadows while grazing. Once horses are tamed and selected for work, they should be fed additional rations commensurate with their extra work. It should be noted that today’s stables are very different from their original living environment.

Today, progress in the horse breeding industry has changed its nutrition from traditional to industrial. In addition, the different uses of this animal have changed its eating habits from herbivory to dense feeds (concentrates).

For this purpose, various sources are used, including concentrates to provide part of the energy and protein of the ration and other mineral and vitamin supplements with different purposes in order to meet the needs of the horse. Mineral supplements are of special importance due to their different roles in the body’s biochemical reactions, and they lack energy and protein, but they are necessary for energy and protein consumption as well as food metabolism.

Vitamins are a group of compounds that exist in very small amounts in food and are needed for digestion and absorption of other food. Due to the transfer of micronutrients from the mare to the foal during lactation, the possibility of metabolic problems, weakness, and inefficiency of the mare’s immune system during lactation is high. Using the supplements of Salem Sepahan Livestock Company will ensure the optimal nutrition of micronutrients in foals and mares.

Manufacturer/provider contact information
Office address

the address of Central office
Isfahan, Imam Khomeini Street, 24 Mellat Alley, No. 10

Factory address

the address of Central office
Isfahan, Imam Khomeini Street, 24 Mellat Alley, No. 10

Our location on the map
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